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Hither and Yon

‘Rocket man’ gives everyone a break from tedious news cycles

November 30, 2017
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk

WASHINGTON ― He had to do it, didn’t he? Just when the optimists were saying, well, it’s been a few weeks since the last one, maybe he’s learned his lesson.

What lesson?

Kim Jong-Un (aka, “Rocket man”) sails on, oblivious  Read More 
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South Korea’s pro-North Left can’t believe the leader they backed appears to collude with Trump

October 8, 2017
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk

SEOUL —South Korea’s outspoken radicals and leftists can hardly hide their dismay.

To the consternation of organizers of the candlelight crusade that brought down the government of the conservative Park Geun-Hye, ousted and jailed on a wide range of offenses, their one-time hero, Moon Jae-In,  Read More 
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Pax Koreana? In their dreams

September 7, 2017

By Donald Kirk

Donald Trump doesn’t get it. He warns South Korea about “appeasement,” but who’s appeasing whom?

Yes, President Moon Jae-In, hero of the candlelight protests that lofted him as the liberal darling into the presidency after the ouster of the conservative Park Geun-Hye, would love to go down in  Read More 
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Information War: Here’s how to bring the brutal North Korean regime to its knees

By World Tribune on August 24, 2017
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk

Donald Trump’s notion of “fire and fury” for North Korea inspires cheers, fears and jeers. Is he threatening the biblical “fire and brimstone,” or does his rhetoric more closely resemble Shakespeare’s “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and  Read More 
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Going rogue in Seoul: Leftists’ dream president suddenly hints South Korea should ‘go nuclear’

By Donald Kirk

WASHINGTON – The standoff on the Korean peninsula is entering a new phase. While President Moon Jae-In calls for talks with North Koreans, he is also honoring the U.S.-Korean alliance and insisting the North give up its nuclear program.

Can Moon have it both ways? He’s besieged by protesters  Read More 
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North Korea ‘experts’ agree on the certainty of uncertain outcomes

By World Tribune on June 2, 2016
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk, EastAsiaIntel.com

JEJU ― Ask an expert analyst how to deal with North Korea, and the responses range from getting tough to massaging gently.

Nobody has the real answer ― though some people like to talk with absolute certainty ― and there’s no proof  Read More 
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Pop quiz: Is North Korea a terrorist state? Yes or no?

Special to WorldTribune.com
By Donald Kirk, EastAsiaIntel.com
WASHINGTON ― Here’s a question people here keep asking: Is North Korea a terrorist state?
Forget about the missile shots. They’ve all landed in the sea and harmed no one. What about the nuclear tests? They dislocated some rocks deep underground but were otherwise  Read More 
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