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Hither and Yon

Darkest Hour? Churchill, Chamberlain and today’s North Korean dilemma

December 28, 2017
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk

WASHINGTON ― Historical comparisons can be terribly flawed. Bearing that in mind, I could not help but think of talk about talks with North Korea while watching a new British film, “Darkest Hour,” all about Winston Churchill in the darkest early days of World War II spurning  Read More 
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Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

By World Tribune on June 30, 2016
Special to WorldTribune.com

By Donald Kirk

WASHINGTON ― We’ve been reading for so long about Britain’s economic troubles, the social system and the culture intertwined with the country’s slow, not always graceful, decline, that the British exit from the European Union comes as less than a  Read More 
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